

I woke up dreading the day because I had to go get my blood drawn for work on my day off. I was scared of having my blood taken, since it was my first time. Kind of funny because my of my legs are covered in tattoos. It wasn't too bad. My job has this preventative medicine program where they take a blood sample and it tells us where our health is at and what we can do to be healthy, etc. The program is free but if we don't enroll, we have to pay an extra $60 a month on our health insurance, so of course I did it.

OH. To get to the point of my post: I woke up and checked my email and saw that I was featured on cameraluv.com! I love getting emails and I also love when people enjoy my photography. So it brightened up my day. Also, it was an exceptionally beautiful day.


Winter always makes me go stir crazy. I can only stay in Seattle for so long before I need to go somewhere, anywhere. Usually, I end up in Portland. I have Japan to look forward to in April!

I've been beginning to think about travel plans lately. I would really like to go to Europe soon. Soon, like within the next 2 years. Spain, Italy, Scotland & England are at the top of my list.

If only someone would hire me for a destination wedding...

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